Our first online classes went live today

Our first online classes went live today


Our first online classes went live today. It was so lovely to see so many people together at home on their mats continuing their journey.

You don't need me to tell you that the past several days have been filled with uncertainty. We were not sure should we stay open or should we close. Every day million we had million questions in our heads looking for answers..
Now lets take time to slow down, reconnect and practice is Ahimsa — to do no harm.

So, it's with sadness I announce that Yoga Blend will be closing for yoga classes until at further notice. My hope is that time, we will have more information as to how we can keep our community safe. We will continue to offer live online classes. You can obtain recorded version of the class as well.

We are grateful for your continued support since Yoga Blend open 9 months ago. My deepest gratitude goes to the people who are still supporting the studio during this very uncertain time.
Our door is open for conversation any time for all of you.

Wishing you and your families abundant health and safety in the coming weeks and months,

For now – see you online! Connect your big TV screens so we could see each others big smiles



Our first online classes went live today
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