Hope shines on the horizon, but for now

Hope shines on the horizon, but for now


Hope shines on the horizon, but for now online classes are going on…?
Today 5pm Hatha with Sophie @palmtreeyoga
Tomorrow 9.30am Gentle Flow with Laura
5.15pm Pilates with Sharon
6.30pm Core strength Flow with Christina @christina.hoppen
Drop in £4.50 or look for many different options www.yogablend.co.uk/prices
Book your live or recorded class www.yogablend.co.uk/timetable
#yogaonlineplymouth #joy #yogaeverywhere #yogapractise #yogaathome #behappy #stretch #breathe #enjoy #liveyourbestlife #yogastudio #yogaplymouth #yogaclassesplymouth #hotyoga #meditation



Hope shines on the horizon, but for now
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