Good Morning Beautiful Peeps….

Good Morning Beautiful Peeps....


I believe in each and everyone of you, reading this right now.

In this very moment, you have an inner strength, you have conquered and endured so much.

Though you are here, in this right moment, reading this.

Smile and acknowledge, that you have come this far.

The universe loves your crazy laugh, your cheeky smile.

Your support, your silent thought's and the way you see the world.

See you have the power to do exactly what you want to be, choose to love you.

Because it is who you are spending, the rest of your life with just saying lol giggles.

The universe will always have your back, if you come from a place.

Inside that knows the different between, right and wrong.

Its does'nt mean perfect because, no one is perfect.

Just trying to be the best version of you, with the tools you have with you. ?

We all fall, we all rise but best of all we all learn to ride our horses and enjoy the story of life.

Someone who's never done anything new, has never made A mistake. (Read that again ?)

We hope you have an awesome day.

Lots of love and light as always. ???

Rachel Harvey xoxo



Good Morning Beautiful Peeps….
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